Gemini Giant, Wilmington, Illinois
Standing tall on Route 66 in Wilmington, Illinois, the Gemini Giant welcomes you to the Launching Pad. The giant is one of the Muffler Men listed at Roadside America (many with photos). You can learn “How to Identify Muffler Men.” Accept nothing less than the real deal.
I’m devastated — DEVASTATED — to find out only now there are Muffler Men variations in Springfield (here’s one and here’s the other), Peoria (Vanna Whitewall!), and Metropolis. I missed them all on visits to those towns.
But I’ll always have the Gemini Giant in Wilmington.

Not a Muffler Man, but I saw Superman in Metropolis.

And even Clark Kent, who’s more two dimensional than I expected.

These figures are of special interest to Zippy, who communes with them every now and then. This one though isn’t in the strip’s archives. Is the giant wearing a modified welder’s helmet? The nosecone of a model plane? Either way, yow!